
The International series

Where can you find Loesje?

Check if there is a Loesje group in your country:

Featured: Loesje groups in Europe

You can find Loesje in many countries all over the world. Loesje groups appear, disappear and reappear all the time so we can't guarantee that this overview will be still up to date tomorrow. Feel free to contact us if you want to connect with one of the National Loesje groups.


From the 25th of May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be active. This is a European Regulation about the personal data companies can process. It means Loesje cannot process your personal data, either digitally or on paper, without a good reason or your permission. She has to inform you, as the applicant, about which personal data she is processing, and about the rights the law provides you. Therefore, she is drawing up this privacy statement.

Loesje's War and Peace project


New poster series and workshops about wars in the past and in the present, remembrance, censorship and freedom of speech, refugees and how to achieve world peace.

Read all about Loesje's "War and Peace" project here.