

Getting to know the girl that represents creativity filled with optimism and includes critique that encourages people to (re)think what is inspiring.

Paper boats and water lilies

When did you fold a paper boat for the last time? Here's your chance to pick up on your old folding skills.

In this pdf file you can find foldable Loesje boats. And they'd like to sail over your local fountain, park pound or rain pool. So they can make passers-by stand still, wonder and smile for a while. When you don't remember how exactly to fold a paper boat, here's the instructions for dummies.

Loesje International receives administrative grant from the European Youth Foundation

Loesje International was once again awarded an administrative grant from the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. This year we were allocated 4180 Euro to continue to do great activities European and world wide. The money will go to cover rent, wages and other necessary expenses to support the Loesje network.