Call for partners of Training Course with Loesje FI and Loesje Armenia
2nd -8th of May, 2012 in Armenia
In every country and culture, gender matters. People are not able to live their personal liberties, as they are being limited in different ways by the norm for gender. Many of us follow the rules of the norm so that we will not be bullied or punished in other ways for being different or wanting something else. Many of us have accepted the norm, and are gladly going along with it, but have never been encouraged to listen to our own wishes. In different ages, we have usually different problems. For youth who are just beginning to find their identity and stand on their feet, it is hard to be different from what parents, friends and school tell them to be, and stand up to the people you are dependent on.
With this training aimed at youth workers, we try to deal with the question of norm around gender, but also other norms, which are closely linked with gender. These other norms are class, sexuality or ethnicity. All of these other categories change the conditions for a person, not only gender. Therefore, if we want freedom and peace for all, we need to also take these other categories of oppression in consideration when we study the question of gender inequality. In this matter, we will take a closer look at the term “intersectionality”, a concept used more frequently by NGO's.
Hopefully, the youth workers will hopefully pass the questioning of stereotypes and prejudices in their work. We will share knowledge from our different situations and backgrounds. The norms are different in different regions. How is the norm around gender displayed specifically in our countries? What messages are youth getting from us and rest of society? We will try different method books that have been developed around gender, such as those in the Compass and methods directly connected with gender from an intersectional point of view. We will also take a very close look at ourselves. What actually are our opinions? What other opinions are there? How do we ourselves sustain or break the norm?
The objectives of the project are: - To understand the concept gender, how it is related to other norms such as age, class and ethnicity, - to learn concrete methods and tools for questioning norms, - to encourage people to stand for their rights, - to share experiences around the subject between European and Partner countries, - to promote Loesje methods,
The training will contain the following workshops:
Norm-breaking workshops:
What does the norm around gender look like? How does it affect us personally? And how do we think it affects the youth we work with? How can gender be related to other oppressions, like if you are a woman in a certain age, class, skin colour or ethnicity and so on? We will use methods with intersectionality perspective and that also deals with power theory. In this section we are going to go through different method books
Questions for participants to discuss that will be given before and during the training:
What are the laws and statistics in our countries, compared with the charter of Human Rights? What do we encounter as youth leaders, when it comes to gender inequality? How should we change our methods when we work with youth? Through different interactive exercises we will try to answer these questions. We will collect the results and share it with each other after the training.
Loesje Creative Text-writing:
One day of text-writing sessions to create posters around gender.
Ice Breaking and get to know each other
Tour in local area.
Evening activity
Practical details
Finances: The participants will have to pay 30% of their travelling costs, and insurance. Everything else will be provided by the project.
Duration: 6 days including arrival and departure day
Time of Training Course: 2nd -8th of May
Programme Countries: (EU member states + Iceland Liechtenstein Norway Switzerland, Croatia, Turkey )
EECA: (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova)
MEDA: ( Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Palestinian Authority of the
West Bank and Gaza Strip)
Participants: 24 youth workers.
Location: Dilijan, Armenia
Preliminary Agreement
If you find the project interesting for your organisation, then please send in the attached Preliminary Agreement signed and scanned to safaa@loesje.org at the latest on the 30th of January. And also the original by post to:
Loesje International
P.O. Box 910138
12413 Berlin - Germany
Thank you!
Safaa Daoud, Loesje SE (Sweden) and Loesje FI (Finland), Project manager
Mail: safaa@loesje.org
Number: +49-30-97882577
Hranush Shahnazaryan, head of Loesje Armenia
Mail: hranush.shahnazaryan@gmail.com
Number: +374 55 469909