Recycled Creativity

19th September 2009 - 4th September 2010 - ?th September 2011

Loesje and her friends were for the second time celebrating the Recycled Creativity festival at the wagon park Lohmühle in Berlin, to find out how far creativity can take us.

“An open space for ideas, initiatives, music, video and other means of expression, where people can meet each other to interact, discuss, participate and experience.”

The visitors had the chance to upcycle old materials into something creative, useful and new. They were also screen printing t-shirts, making bikes out of bamboo, painting pictures on children' faces, becoming reborn with yoga, hoola hooping, writing with Loejse's creative text writing method and learned how to cook the best chai while singing and dancing.

On the stage we enjoyed DJ Skinny Jim and the performances by Lady Gabi, Caroleen and Alexa D Saster. The very special tunes of Wynton Kelly Stevenson rocked the whole crowd and Trike entertained us tremendously with their performance (and costumes!). As the final act we saw the interesting performance of LAN and could happily conclude the evening.

In 2009 we had a clothes-swapping point with sewing machines, we were creating light objects from trash and destroying old computers to make jewelry and sculptures. Artists were experimenting with recycled sounds by sampling trash bags or “performing with bag pipe made from block flute, few pipes and plastic bags of dogs food.”

Let's meet next year and create something together!




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