Team of Loesje International is happy to announce that in September 2020 we’ve officially launched the International Loesje Poster Translation Project! Our Project unites Loesje International Team and Volunteers with one common goal – to translate as many Loesje Posters as we can into as many different languages as we can.
Basically, it was a question of supply and demand. Many Loesje fans have contacted us with questions and wishes to see their favorite posters translated to another language. So we decided to do it!
A translation project is often a complicated mission and sometimes involves many people and tasks, in particular in our case when Loesje Posters are being translated into several languages simultaneously and need proofreading, editing, back translation, layout etc.
The number of translated posters per day depends heavily on the complexity of the initial text and on how much layout work is required after the translation is done. Although nowadays most translations can be done using translation software, translating Loesje poster is not a simple automated process, it is a complex, creative and intellectual activity. It very often requires research, familiarization with the text and terminology as well as discussion of the translation results among the Translation Team members, proof-reading and quality control.
At the moment we mostly translate from and into the following languages:
PolishCzechBelarusianUkrainianRussianItalianSpanishFrenchDutchEnglish |
Bring Loesje to your language! Do you have a translation idea for a poster you like, or perhaps you know a rare language and you would like to contribute to the Translation Project? Please let us know!
Contact us: Please support us by following us: |
Keep in touch!
Your Loesje International Translation Team.