Loesje โ€“ Communi-Action


Young people active in Loesje in Berlin, Germany and Koper, Slovenia are developing a transnational youth initiative: the Communi-action project. The aim of this project is to build two connected EU4YOUTH Points: one in Berlin and one in Koper.

These two points in Europe will serve as education-information-creative spaces for youth who want to learn more about EU, youth in EU, NGOs, literature and human rights. They will also be creative and participatory points.

The EU4YOUTH points will have three simultaneous functions: reading spot, creative-reflective spot and networking spot. Here Loesje creative text writing workshops, exhibitions and other activities will take place.

  • The reading spot will be divided in two different areas: the take-away literature part and the permanent library. The books and other material will be about methods of non-formal education, literature about youth, works of young local writers and NGOs, info about EU, opportunities for youth and human rights information. For the permanent library we will focus on short-stories, slam-poetry, and poems which don't take a long time to read and which encourages to discovering new writing forms.

  • The creative-reflective spot will be designed to complete the material and equipment already available in the youth centers. There will be monthly Loesje creative writing workshops – in an attractive interactive way, where young people can express themselves about any topics they want, with Loesje’s own writing methods. The results of these workshops will be Loesje posters, inspiring and empowering posters on topics chosen by youth. This space could also be used as an exhibition space – for exhibitions made by young people.

  • The networking spot will allow young people to exchange and learn from each other. There will be an open dialogue with NGOs, the other EU4YOUTH point and other young people. Koper and Berlin will be connected thanks to interactive simultaneous creative writing workshops using live video streaming.


The EU4YOUTH points will be at the Youth Culture Center Linse in Berlin and a location still to be revealed by PINA in Koper. Both of these places are already active with youngsters, promoting culture and helping young people to build up their own culture. The EU4YOUTH points will be inside these youth centers, available for everybody. More information about Pina and Linse you can find here.

Between the 17th and the 20th of February, the Slovene team came to Berlin for an Advanced Planning Visit. We harmonized our working methods and got to know each other better. Both teams and interested people had the chance to attend a Loesje training day to learn how to give Loesje workshops, how to select posters and how to present Loesje to external groups.  

Soon, info folders and the Loesje Handbook in German and Slovene will be printed! Another part of the project is also to create video tutorials of how to make Loesje activities.

The project is funded by Jugend für Europa of the Youth in Action programme.


 Junge Menschen, die sich bei Loesje Deutschland und Loesje Slowenien engagieren, gestalten eine länderübergreifende Jugendinitiative namens „Loesje – Communi-Action“.

 In diesem Rahmen errichten sie EU4YOUTH POINTS in Berlin und Koper, Slowenien. Diese dienen als Bildungs-, Informations- und Kreativräume, wo sich interessierte Jugendliche nicht nur über die EU, Jugend innerhalb der EU, NGO’s (Nichtregierungsorganisationen) und Menschenrechte informieren, sondern sich auch aktiv beteiligen und kreativ schaffend sein können.

Die EU4YOUTH POINTS werden parallel drei Funktionen erfüllen: Leseecke, Kreativ-Punkt zum Reflektieren und Ort für soziales Netzwerken. Es werden Loesje-Workshops zu kreativem Schreiben, Ausstellungen und andere Aktivitäten stattfinden. Informationsflyer und Loesje-Handbücher werden gedruckt und zudem sind Videoanleitungen zum Veranstalten von Loesje-Aktivitäten geplant.

Das Projekt wird finanziert von Jugend für Europa der deutschen Agentur für das Programm Jugend in Aktion.