Here is a description of family members that are used in the Netherlands and were Loesje wrote about is her Diary in 1987.
Grandpa is a walking history book.
He thinks practical, has a lot of life experiences en knowledge
and you can't fool him. He knows what is happening in the society
and he loves his grandchild very much. He's kind of an old leftist,
somebody that still celebrates the first of May and argues a bit with
his old Christian democrat neighbor.
Uncle Harry
He's a bit cynical. He loves gardening and his habits. At eight o' clock he drinks his coffee, watches the news and goes to bed around ten, because the next day he has to get up early in the morning. He's happy with his wife Aunty Rita (Rie). She always makes up new things for him, although he doesn't mind to things himself (like Samarian dancing)/ He's a bit traditional, but sometimes he can be suddenly very surprising.
Cousin Carl
Carl succeeds in staying unemployed with the remark uncontrollable from the unemployment agency. He lives on the dole. Every week he writes a job application to the Queen of the Netherlands, since he's allowed to apply weekly for a job and for the rest he enjoys life. He has many ideas and ideals, but he just doesn't have the energy and the enthusiasm that Loesje has to do something with it.
A typical father, he is. He likes Loesje ideas, but doesn't really understand them and he is glad that Loesje doesn't use her surname. He's a bit afraid of what the neighbors will say and his colleagues on his work. He was a bit of a bad boy in his youth but he tries to keep it secret for his children, to give the right example. He's the man that says often "well well" and "do you really have to do it like that" and when he's shopping with his wife he waits outside the shop while his wife buys cloths.
Aunty Rita
She found out the word cosy. She loves tea with cookies, hot chocolate and Lingo. She enjoys her karaoke nights in the local pub where she's dancing on the bar in the end of the evening. She also organizes bingo evenings in the community center and knows everybody in her neighborhood, besides also everything that happens. She is concerned in a bit of a naive superficial way, about the world. Social problems she reflects on herself and sometimes she get lost, but she's always open for new things, especially on the spiritual level.
Kid brother
He's a real adolescent. He's a hard heard and in a provoking way he explores the world. He's tuff but a bit pathetic, sometimes a bastard and sometimes he follow his big sister and sometimes he does the opposite. He's a real kid bother older sisters know. Great to have and sometimes you just want to kill him. He can have great ideas, twist with words, but sometimes he can be very anti and annoying.
She lives half of her time abroad, does things nobody has hear of and lives a remarkable life. She's an old rebel in her eighties and in her prime time. Beautiful brown tint men fall for her. Wherever she goes, she meets the most interesting bizarre people. She's critical about new things as genetically manipulation, toys of plastics but she tries to keep an open mind. She probably the first elderly that hacked the files of the secret service through the Internet.
How are mothers? She wants her children to be happy, but also that they have a good job and salary and her definition of good her children don't always agree on. She loves good family talks but she let her children more and more do their won way, since they are growing up. She's starting to become more independent from her husband and does things herself, goes alone on holiday.
The boyfriend
Loesje's boyfriend isn't really part of her family, since he isn't always the same guy. But you could say that he simply doesn't know what to do with Loesje and her inspiration and crazy ideas are too much for him. He's a bit of a boy you just don't want. Maybe we are all Loesje's boyfriend and are all in love with her.
Uncle Tomas
Uncle Tomas, that man has been once on a poster. We only use him when the need is very high. For the rest forget this man. He's no fun at all.
Legofilius J. Peppeldam
He's the little weird poet, the lost street philosopher that can never catch his own thoughts. That is probably why you don't see him too much on a Loesje poster. His thoughts simply don't fit on a poster.